#1 Tech Blog In Kerala

What Skills are Needed By a Professional Blogger? Part-1

Rarely do people share the true secrets behind their fairly established online existence. The word "Blogger" simply defines a person who generates quality content and publishes it online. So anyone who is publishing something new and unique to the online media is called a "Blogger". But how would you define a "Professional Blogger?" In todays tutorial I will share every possible detail linked to six figure earning dream. Everyone loves to Make Money Online but not everyone is applying the correct formula and that's why people often abandon their blogging careers.  

Pro Blogging SERIES
Part1: What skills are needed by a Professional Blogger?

A Pro Blogger should not just be a fluent writer but he must also build up extra ordinary skills that may help him set up his blog and understand the market demands. Online media is thirsty for skilled people and bloggers are successful only if they posses the skills shared in this series else they will always rely on someone else to do the job for them. Therefore wasting time and money. So lets build some fundamentals!


None of tips shared below are needed if you can afford that the job be done by someone else for you. I am just sharing here skills that can turn you into a skill factory, someone who is above a blogger. Those with such skills, know how to take their little blog to the next level without depending on someone else.

Learn Web Designing  (Must)

If you ask a person pursuing a degree in software engineering or a doing computer science, he would also insist that you must learn things online and not from an institute. That's very true but to some extent. Learning online will take much of your time to develop your skills as compared to learning it from a firm which offers short courses in web designing. It only takes 4 months to become one like us or even better.
What is Web Designing?
Web designing is the art of building webpages from scratch using latest web technology tools and languages. Following are the courses that you must take in order to achieve this goal.
1. Adobe PhotoShop CS5 (Must)
Course Duration: 1 Month
Practice: Lifetime!
Tuition Fees: Should not cost more than $80
Online Tutorials: Youtube and Google
Photoshop is a 2d Image editing software which is widely used in industry as the most effective tool in creating graphic images in formats such as png, jpeg and gif. All those logos, banners, web images that you see on any website are created using this tool. CS5 is its latest version, so you must practice your skills on this latest software to be able to understand how to apply all great effects. Work hard on how to use Gradients, Styles, Brushes and Fonts. 
Photoshop includes a sub-part called  Adobe ImageReady CS5. It is used to create animated images using the gif format. So during learning Photoshop you must ask your Course Teacher how to use ImageReady.
You must practice it daily during your course period by learning tutorials online. There are amazing people out there who shares their creativity daily either on YouTube or their blogs. Google is your best friend in this case.
2. CSS and HTML
Course Duration: 2 Months
Practice: Lifetime!
Tuition Fees: Should not cost more than $100
Online Tutorials: HTML   |   CSS
HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language" and CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets". It is a language for describing web pages. Its not a programming language, it uses markup tags. You use HTML to build the Solid skeleton structure of a webpage. And you use CSS to create its layout and style it with colors, fonts, backgrounds, hover effects, alignments, positioning etc.
In short HTML is the skeleton of the webpage and CSS is its Flesh and skin. Without CSS a webpage looks dull and grey.
Note: You must first learn HTML and then learn CSS.

3. Adobe Dream Weaver CS5
Course Duration: Less Than 1 Month
Practice: One Time!
Tuition Fees: Should not cost more than $100
Online Tutorials: Google and YouTube

Those who have learnt HTML and CSS, learning Dream weaver would be like eating a piece of cake. Dream Weaver is the heart of Web designers. It is a is a web development application that is used to build creative websites offline.  It's a pretty advanced software which even includes support for server-side scripting languages and frameworks such as PHP, ASP and ColdFusion and Scriptlet (will discuss these languages in Part-2). But you just need to learn how to use this tool in order to effectively apply your HTML and CSS skills here. It does all the work that MBT HTML Editor does but at an extremely easy and advanced level.
You need to create separate promotion web pages for your blog. For instance you can create and design a web page for your ebook promotion or any product you may offer. You can even design your services page using Dream Weaver!


I will publish part 2 tomorrow, which focuses on:
  1. Learn Web Development (Optional)
  2. Start with Google Blogger
  3. Learn SEO
  4. Build Readership
  5. Build Traffic
  6. Earn and Enjoy!