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Top 10 Popular Blog Niches To Earn More Money in 2013

Those days are part of the past when people dreamed to become Rich. In this day and age, there are numberless ways through which even a teenager can make money online. However, the most prominent way of earning heaps of dollars is to write and communicate your voice to the whole world. We have named that term as a “BLOG” because it’s a place where people not only share their personal experiences 

and expertise but also generate fair about of revenue from it. However, many Bloggers are unaware of the fact that which category (NICHE) will bring heaps of Dollar to them.  Therefore, before a person starts Blogging its essential to study Popular Blog topics that are trending in the blogosphere. In this article, we will be sharing Top 10 Popular Blog Niches that will Bring More Revenue in 2012.

Many of our readers were complaining that Google AdSense has extremely Low CPC rates, but that’s not true because CPC (Cost Per Click) depends on the category of a Blog. Following are the few most Popular Niches that will provide High CPC Advertisements. 

1. Make Money Online:

Well, we’re rating it as the highest earning Blog Topic because if a person realizes that this article (Current one) also relates Make Money Online. It proves that it is not only the highest searched term on the internet, but it also provides equally high earning opportunities. Once a person select “Make Money Online” as his blog’s Niche then it is essential that he shares all the tips and techniques about it so his readers can enjoy the irresistible experience. Since, there are lots of marketers who would love to advertise on “Make Money” websites. For that reason, a person will never see empty advertising spots on his website. 

2. TOP 10 or List Based Website:

People over and over again search for list based products so that they can select the best among them. For example, a person is searching for the list of top webmasters so he will search for “Top 10 Webmasters” rather than searching for “Best Webmaster. However, List based website has no proper niche they share all the stories in the form of a list. In this scenario, a person can earn heaps of dollars with Google AdSense, but BuySellads won’t accept such sites in their marketplace, this is the only Drawback of such websites. 

3. Blogging Tips and Tricks:

Third most prominent Website’s topic is Blogging Tips and Tricks, where people can share all the inside out of the Blogosphere and trending blogging tips which will act as icing on the top. Sharing tips and Tutorials about WordPress would add a new life to the website’s traffic. All an all this Niche takes a bit of hard work, but it would provide glittering results. We also share Tips and tricks and so far it’s working fine for us.

4. IT Information Technology:

Information Technology was among the highly searched topics. However, there are tons of IT based websites that share almost same news, so it’s extremely difficult to get yourselves ranks well in the SERP Result. On the other hand, a person won’t have to study things in depth because on tech based sites we only share tech news, gadget reviews and etc. Nevertheless, people can still try their luck because the word Impossible it selves says I M Possible. 

5. Social Media Website:

We are not talking about starting a whole new social networking website because that is something which needs lots of hard work plus extra money. Here, we are talking about those websites which are sharing the latest news and trends about Social Media. Mashable.com is one of the best examples of those websites which shares inside news of different social platforms. It needs less hard work. However, provides prominent results. 

6. Picture Based Website (Trolling Pictures):

After the success of Pinterest, almost all webmasters started to replicate the same thing and so far it has provided some quite perfect results. Creating a site which relates funny pictures has the highest demand, because people are bored from work and they need to relax through trolling images. Troll based sites also has high revenue and their main source of traffic is Facebook Pages. Those who have tons or genuine fans (likes) on Facebook pagescan generate 10,000 dollars per month. Is that straightforward? Indeed it is. 

7. FAQs (Questions and Their Answers):

Well, how many times a person search on Google. I guess Hundred times a day. Whenever a person has any question, he prefers to use Google to find most appropriate answer. In the same way, creating a website that has all the answers of questions would be a paradise for everyone. However, it is not that much straightforward. It needs lots of hard work with pure dedication.

8. Insurance and Finance: 

These two website NICHES are the highest paying one. However, it is extremely difficult to blog on such topics until having experience in insurance and finance company. We wouldn’t recommend a newbie to start a finance site. However, those people who belong to corporate companies and have proper knowledge can adopt it without any hesitation whatsoever.  

9. Celebrity based Site:

When it comes to magnetize quick readers, everyone prefers to start a Celebrity blog. In this scenario, a person selects his favorite TV Star and started to write what is going around his personal life. There are lots of die heart fans who loved their favorite celebrity. Therefore, they followed the website like a mad fan.  Select a popular celebrity and start writing. 

10. Health and Care Site:

Nowadays people are extra cautious about their Heath. Therefore, it would an ideal time to start a website that concerns with health and care tips. There are fewer health and care blogs so it would bring handsome traffic. We would recommend girls to select “Health and Care” Niche because girls are extra cautious about their skins and etc.